When I Am Alone | Teen Ink

When I Am Alone

October 5, 2012
By Anonymous

When I Am Alone

When Im alone, just all by myself I am me.
There is no one to tell me off or tell me I am wrong or right.
You might think it is scary or quiet being all alone to yourself, but there are still a sea of voices in your head, so are you really alone?

When Im alone I jump and dance around my house,
and pretend like I’m really not all by myself. I can just be me
and there is no one to stop me, because I feel free.
Getting away from the real world for a while, is a good experience.
Free from all of your friends and the drama that is going on.

When Im alone, free from all the madness of my society, sometimes it feels like I live in a dark, grey world with no one around, to explain what I feel. I tell myself it is better to keep it to your self, but it isn’t. It only makes things worse. Is that wrong? Or is that right?

When Im alone, I think about my own stories in the past when I felt the same way. I remember sitting in class going to a different school for the first time, and not knowing anyone there. I felt like a nobody, and was inaudible the whole time. It was a frightening experience, that first day of school, but I thought of when I was three years old, and all I needed to worry about was not drawing out of the lines in the pages of my coloring book. I never seemed so isolated or lost, I guess.

It was like I was fighting my own battle, and no one was there to get me through it.
I let myself feel that way although, and should have known to be prominent. When Im alone, I dreamed about living in a world with out all of the bad people and the terrifying monsters in my head. I conceived the world with happiness, and to be at peace.

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