Tarts Feedback | Teen Ink

Tarts Feedback

September 13, 2012
By Tatianna Cooper BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Tatianna Cooper BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the poem, “Tarts” by Paige Esterly, she gave us a short story about her grandma- one that reminds me of mine. Just, like Paige`s grandma, my grandma would make me tarts. But they weren’t you average tarts they were my grandmas secret recipe strawberry tarts. Sometimes we would sit out on the porch and watch the sun go down.
In Paige’s poem she used descriptive words to paint a picture in our minds. I can understand each and every word Paige is portraying in this poem. Like when she said,” little tarts, she cooked herself; she cooked herself, with wrinkled hands.” I know that she is telling me that her grandma baked her tarts.
Over all I believe that “Tarts” is a well written poem and had a good story to it. I encourage others to read and write heart filled poems just like Paige.

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