Jonas Brothers Concert | Teen Ink

Jonas Brothers Concert

May 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Shyanne, Vicky and Nicole went to a Jonas Brother concert in July. There were almost a million people there and the girls got front row seats. During the concert the girls never sat in their seats because of their excitement and once the group started singing Kung Fu Grip, everyone started screaming. In the middle of the song, Nick fell while holding his guitar and they stopped singing. Big Rob, who was one of the security guys, went on stage to see if he was okay. Nick was screaming because he was in a lot of pain and he thought he broke his foot. With Nick unable to sing, the concert had to be cancelled and Shyanne, Nicole, and Vicky were so disappointed. The ride home was very quiet and the girls didn’t speak the whole way. They had planned to stay at Shyannes house that Friday night but decided to go home and stay the next. Saturday night the girls were sitting on Shyanne’s bed talking about the concert when the phone rang. It was about 9:30 pm and they had no clue who it was. Shyanne said “Hello” someone said, “Hey this is the Jonas Brothers.” Shyanne, Vicky and Nicole were so exited. Shyanne said, “Really, this is the Jonas Brothers.” He said “Yep”. She said, “Awesome, so why are you calling me?” He said, “We saw you walking out of our concert last night with such sad faces and thought you needed some cheering up.” Shyanne said, “ I can’t believe I am talking to you guys in person. Is this really the Jonas Brothers or is this a joke?” He said, “This isn’t a joke and we were wondering if you want to meet us.” Shyanne said, “Are you kidding, SURE!” So plans were made and at 6:30 am Sunday morning, Shyanne, Nicole and Vicky snuck out. They were meeting at the hotel that the Jonas Brothers were staying at, but when they got to the hotel the Jonas Brothers were not there. The girls started getting scared and nervous. Going down the elevator Vicky thought she saw one of the Jonas Brothers but she wasn’t sure, so they decided to ask around to know if anyone saw three boys around here. No one had seen who the girls were looking for so they waited a while. After about an hour of hanging around the Hotel, a really nice car pulled up and the girls thought for sure it was them. Shyanne, Nicole and Vicky went over to the car to find out that it was actually Shyanne's three brothers playing a joke on them and it wasn’t the Jonas brother after all. Shyanne’s brothers tried to dress up like the Jonas Brothers and they wanted to cheer the girls up because the concert was canceled and Nick’s foot was hurt. Shyanne, Vicky and Nicole were disappointed because they had their minds set on meeting the famous Jonas Brothers but they thought it was sweet of Shyannes brothers to try to make them feel better. The night ended in a long game of Life where the girls and Shyannes brothers had fun hanging out. Not to mention listening to their favorite group the Jonas Brothers.

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