4am is a Lonely Hour | Teen Ink

4am is a Lonely Hour

June 15, 2012
By wierd1412 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
wierd1412 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

4 am is a lonely hour. You start you break. You notice the time, you realize you've been without sleep for far too long. You feel too full of everything. Every thought and emotion is bubbling and boiling, but no one is awake. Its almost as if everyone has died, and you're the only one left. You sit and just talk, to no one and nothing in particular. If there were someone one there, it would make the words real. Every secret thought is uttered aloud, maybe even for the first time, and every piece of dirty laundry is set out to dry. Maybe you cry and maybe you scream, and you really don't know why. Nothing set you off. Not one drunk voice mail or angry text message. It’s just too late for your eyes to be open, and your mental filter has given up and gone to bed before you. You thank god no one can hear you, and you fade into darkness, finally falling asleep.

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