The Boy Named Jeremy | Teen Ink

The Boy Named Jeremy

February 28, 2012
By Dylan Larson BRONZE, St.Paul, Minnesota
Dylan Larson BRONZE, St.Paul, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a young man named Jeremy. He had a lot of talents. He was very bright,he had good looks, and just by looking at him you knew he was a great person inside. But, he also had some faults. He was very shy when talking to new people. He wasn’t comfortable with talking to people because he didn’t know what to say. He felt awkward. Once he got to know people, things to talk about just came into his head. It wasn’t awkward at all. People loved him once they knew him because he always had something to talk about. Jeremy was very bright. He understood things that many don’t. He could catch things that many couldn’t. But as school got tougher, things got worse for him. He was used to getting by on his smarts. Now he has to study because now things are hard. He just needs more effort. He is lazy. If he can overcome this, he can do great things in his life. Jeremy has the most to gain in his life. He also has the most to lose. He can either go big or go home. He can accomplish so much and do great things but he has to get to work. He needs to build habits now so he can succeed later.

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