The Perfect Moment | Teen Ink

The Perfect Moment MAG

November 2, 2011
By Laura Rovner BRONZE, Somewhere, Alabama
Laura Rovner BRONZE, Somewhere, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is the perfect moment? Is it the feeling you get when you get an A+ on a test, or when you finally learned how to tie your shoes, or the feeling you get right after you win the big game? At least once in our lifetime we have had an encounter with our own standards of perfection. Perfection comes in many forms. It may be achieved though the mind, body, or soul, but the perfect moment can occur anytime, anywhere. For me my perfect moment occurred when I least expected it … in school!

When I walked through those old gym doors, my favorite song was playing throughout the gym. It was “I Care ’Bout You” by Milestone. My heart and stomach sank to my black shoes. Not only was my favorite song playing, but my crush was standing right by the front door waiting for me, like he knew it was my favorite song – and that I wouldn’t or couldn’t dance to it with anyone but him. Slowly but aggressively he walked up to me.

He grabbed my clammy hand with his cool, confident, soft ones. Our grip was loose but I noticed a small scar on his middle finger. The moment he touched my hand I got a nervous chill through my body. Having him look in my eyes, not at anyone else, melted my heart.

We stood looking at each other for a second that seemed like a century. My hand was trembling, and I knew that he knew I was nervous, because he smiled when I started to tremble. I could feel his confidence and he could feel my nervousness. His mouth opened in slow-motion. The words, “You look absolutely gorgeous,” came rolling off his tongue and hit me like a ton of bricks. Never could I have imagined him saying anything more perfect. Once I realized what he said, I felt comfortable and calm.

Everything else became a blur, except him, and the lyrics of my favorite song echoing in my head. The words began to have so much meaning to me. I will never forget that moment and those words he said to me. Also I will never forget the song that we danced together. To me this was my perfect moment. It may not involve winning anything, accomplishing anything, or doing anything special, but it involved my emotions. Never before have I felt more special. He made me feel like a queen, and we were meant to ride off into the sunset together with him as my king. Forever. Together.

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