The City That Never Sleeps | Teen Ink

The City That Never Sleeps

September 29, 2011
By taylorann BRONZE, Auburn, New York
taylorann BRONZE, Auburn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The big apple. You know, New York City. The place that has everything and anything you could imagine. To me, it’s the perfect place. From the moment we drove over the bridge looking at the skyline to about fourteen years later. I knew this would be a place that changed me forever.

Manhattan holds the key to a completely different world. As you walk down the streets you see people from all different countries, restaurants advertising meals from around the world and stores that accommodate to any fashion sense. Apart from the many versatile scenes, it was the marquees on the Broadway Theatres that caught my eyes. Bright, vibrant, huge lights and signs hanging from the world’s most famous theatres. Each bedazzled with the show’s name and the leading actors along the bottom. Below the signs, the box office where people will go to pick up or purchase a ticket for the matinee or night show. To the right of the theatre, a stage door, where actors and actresses enter a half an hour before the curtain goes up. This is my favorite part of the city.

As I became older, I began to notice on every corner sat a green shop with aroma that filled the streets of the city with smells of coffee, sugar and pure sweetness. I had come to fall in love with the many sweet smelling Starbucks cafes throughout NYC. The skyscrapers stood at their own individual height, each in a different shape, which seemed to go on and on forever. If you began to stare up at them for long amounts of time, it created an illusion that looked as if the buildings were tipping towards you

The city is busy and full of commotion. As you walk down the streets many different types of people pass you. You have your business executives, pizza delivery boys, dog walkers, models, actors, actresses, musicians, or janitors that keep the streets clean. There is always something to do in the city. To me, the worst place to visit in the city is Times Square. It’s a complete tourist attraction, and it becomes less exciting because you are forced to work your way through crowds. Personally, I enjoy the streets of SoHo or anywhere in the village. The streets in SoHo are quiet and filled with studios and apartments. The buildings are older and you walk on brick and cobble streets.

As the day gets closer to the end, the lights on buildings and signs begin to shine brightly. The city lights up in a completely different way than it did during daylight. The streets become less crowded and the scenes change from Adults and their kids on vacation to Adults and older teenagers going out to see a show or attend a party. It’s a hard city to describe because it is made of everything.. New York City is known as the city that never sleeps for one reason; you can always find something to do.

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This article has 1 comment.

ibeguild55 said...
on Oct. 5 2011 at 6:21 pm
Wow, what a great description Taylor.  You never cease to amaze us with your wonderful gifts (talents).  Love you always,  Krissy