The Stranger | Teen Ink

The Stranger MAG

August 10, 2011
By Cassandra Summerill BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
Cassandra Summerill BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You appeared homeless: dirty with long, knotted greasy hair. But inside was a very special man, a man who saved a little girl from being seriously injured – or worse. Think back now, almost ten years. It was the week before Christmas and Santa was everywhere. Christmas carols played in the background as everyone rushed around the mall finishing their shopping. Everyone was in a hurry and getting grumpy.

I was two years old and shopping with my mother and baby sister. My mother was getting stressed and had a terrible headache. She was carrying the stroller down the steps when I fell and started sliding down the escalator. My mom tried to grab me, but was too late. You jumped over her and my sister, and pulled me into the safety of your arms just as my fingers slid past the last step. You handed me to my mother, who was in tears. My mom squeezed me so hard I thought she’d never let go. We turned to thank you, but you were gone. We searched for you, but you were nowhere to be found. My mom took me to the doctor to make sure I was all right. The doctor said I was lucky; only minor scrapes and bruises. He said that without you I could have lost my fingers – or worse. Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I thank you with all my heart. Without you, a caring stranger, I would not be able to do the things I love to do today.

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