Live,Love,Laugh | Teen Ink


July 22, 2011
By lolztada BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
lolztada BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life th way you want to and follow your dreams

Things in the world that make life essayer and better is to live in life hang out with who ever you care about . Love things around you music,movies,friends,family or even your self simple things make it easy. To love is a big part of life that we need if we never loved something we’d turn out to be heartless zombies with no sense of living but to eat brains for the rest of what ever our life was meant to live, to love lets yourself show affection and let go what you feel in a good and sweet way. To Laugh is also some thing that needs to be done no matter how hard or sad things in life get it won’t last forever and there will be a light at the end, sometimes laughing at a joke or a silly face can make someone feel better its worth it even doing the dumbest things just to make someone or yourself laugh.

The author's comments:
just thing that really have meaning to life

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