The Things They Carried Narrative | Teen Ink

The Things They Carried Narrative

May 31, 2011
By RealMadrid23 BRONZE, PR, Illinois
RealMadrid23 BRONZE, PR, Illinois
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As I look more forward to the summer of 2012, the more I learn to expect after High School, College with a career, and work, we have been preparing for all of this our whole lives, we are and were taught by our teachers by trial and errors of other people, I always remembered when my parents told me that everyone learns best by their mistakes but its always better to learn by someone’ mistakes, I don’t plan on making mistakes, but I will keep my eyes open on others’. Our middle school teachers taught us well and prepared us for High School. High School was a new experience for everybody, more diversity, and less step-by-step explanation of everything. Here we were expected to know everything that is taught to us, or at least shown to us. We come here just to be prepared for our next obstacle in life. College. At this point of our lives we look for a career to live our life with, for some its medicine others its writing, etc, we don’t really know what we want from our lives, but we do have some kind of a goal, we want to achieve it and live our lives to the fullest. College. We go to a place to get prepared for our lives after it. When going to college, we look for different things from the careers offered to how many people are enrolled. We take all of this in to account and make our choice, spending thousands of dollars just for one thing, that could change our life for ever. College.

When that summer of 2012 finally reaches me in the following year, I will find myself thinking of a career that I will want to explore and take on. Every year since I was 7 years old when I went to school, I was exploring different things that can be done in our lives. I had the privilege to take the classes, such as foods, woods, plastics, chemistry, math, history and English, these courses start the picking of a career. I found myself at the time where I began to learn the idea of what college will be like and what i will do in it. Career. High school brought me to a point where I could really understand myself and the basics that I want to achieve in my life. Basics, just like everyone else that has a fully functional brain wants money, but most of all a happy family. When just graduating high school, I do not plan to start a family, but a family is something that i definitely have to think about sooner or later, and I will prepare for it. But before starting that important part of my life, I must find a way to be able to support them and provide them with the best life possible, this depends on me by the choices that I will make now and later on. When thinking of a career for myself, I try to find the things I like and I remove each thing that seems irrational to me, the list usually begins like this: Soccer, Chemistry, Math, Pharmacy, Doctor, Dentistry, and the list goes on. First I remove Soccer, there is no way I could make pro. And thus medicine is left. Chemistry, everyday for a period and a half I find myself staring in to the outside window, thinking to myself that I should be in Chemistry AP. Homework I never leave the class without it being finished before the class ends, tests and studying for this class don’t go in together straight A’s on tests and quizzes. I tend to find myself thinking that I know Chemistry better than anyone in my class and part of the school. Smiling, i happen to do that when my teacher gives me a worksheet and tells the class to use pencils for easy erasing but I instead reach in my backpack and use a pen, do you know why; Cause I never make mistakes! Chemistry, a subject that is natural to me, every law seems like I have learned it before, homework, so easy that I have not missed one yet in my current school year, tests and quizzes just like homework fly by easy for me, whenever we switched partners in class I made sure that the new person, working with me, got an A just like me, we moved through chapter to chapter, lesson to lesson, section by section to learn the things that I enjoy a lot in my life and hope to use them in my future, pharmacy a job i see myself doing for the next half of century until my retirement. Confusion never takes place in my head whenever I’m doing a science test, homework, lab, or a quiz. Just like everyone else does, I have looked for my calling also, and i have found it. Chemistry. I looked and looked and found it in my high school years.

Career is just like a calling that everyone is looking for, some people spend too much on one thing or don’t search hard enough to find that one thing that could satisfy them fro the rest of their lives. I have found that calling during my sophomore and junior year of high school in my chemistry classes. As I move away from my junior year I look forward to my senior year in which I will pursue my calling of studying chemistry on different levels, after senior year i will accomplish A.P. Chemistry. Careers. Callings. High School. The things that prepare us are in the reach of our hands, all we need to do is look for them. I kept searching for these things, and I searched through High School, I found the things I love, and I plan to spend the rest of my life using them everyday, I have always been looking for that one thing that would satisfy me for the rest of my life and now I’m pretty sure that I have accomplished that goal, in my understanding of life I have to find a career that interests me and can support me for my whole life.

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