Comfort Zone Article | Teen Ink

Comfort Zone Article

May 19, 2011
By Utkarsh Thakur BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas, Kansas
Utkarsh Thakur BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people have what is called a comfort zone, which is what people do and the actions that they feel comfortable with. It can also mean facing up to your fears based on such things. For example, if you are afraid of heights, and a certain roller coaster really scares you, but everyone says it is the best ride ever, then what should you do? You should probably face up to the fear and take the risk! It won’t kill you , just cause tension, but you will probably enjoy the experience. However, taking risks does not mean doing something irrational or stupid.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can also mean trying something new, like a certain food you never tried, or a vegetable you never really liked, or to try and play a new instrument, even if you don’t have much experience in it. I remember when I used to absolutely hate spinach. But, I kept eating it and it eventually became habit. Now, it is my favorite vegetable. Usually when people step out of their comfort zone, it gives them a better experience, and much more to learn from and for.

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