Driving, no looking back | Teen Ink

Driving, no looking back

June 30, 2011
By Bridawn BRONZE, Richland Center, Wisconsin
Bridawn BRONZE, Richland Center, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~If you going through hell keep on going, don't slow down~
~If you love something let it go, if it comes back it was meant to be and if it doesn't it never was~
-If a guy wants you, nothing can keep him away from you. If he doesn’t want you, nothing

Driving in my car with no mirrors.. no looking back. Driving, driving, driving. Away from the pain. Away from the good-bye. Away from the confusion. The words "I don't love you anymore." Do they not know how bad that hurts a person!

I just needed to talk. I shouldn't let him lead me on especially when he just needs me when he has no one else. I just needed to understand. Understand what he wanted, what his intentions were, and what my chances were. To have him, my first love, the one with a lot of my firsts, what I needed to do. He says nothing? He just wants to be friends. We tried this after he ending things, being friends. It didn't work because I love him and I just want more then just being friends, its just hard! Then I ask the big question, if he loves me anymore. And what he says, no.. its a big word! What made it so little before? What made it okay to say before? Why was it okay then? Why it is so big now?.. I don't get it!
I love him, and the sad thing is, is no matter what he says to me and how bad it hurts me I always will. I promised it.. and I don't break promises!

So on to how I am now. I'm hurt. I'm confused. I'm cold. And I'm alone. I have trust issues, I'm one who keeps things to myself and don't let anyone in. He was the only one I made acceptations to. How could he love me one day then the next day say things changed? How can he hurt me?.. I love him. And driving, driving, driving.. no slowing down.. no looking back.. is what I need to do!

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