Is Torture Justified? | Teen Ink

Is Torture Justified?

June 13, 2011
By Anonymous

“Nearly 8 years after terrorist struck on U.S. soil, more than a third of Americans say they worry about the chance that they or their relatives might fall victim to a terrorist attack-essentially unchanged from 35% 5 years ago”(Poll: Half say Torture is sometimes justified). Americans shouldn’t live everyday in fear.
In the preamble it says our government will “ensure domestic tranquility.” Ensuring domestic tranquility means that the citizens of America feel safe inside of its borders. President Bush tried to ensure domestic tranquility by creating Homeland security and the Guantanamo Bay Prison facility. At Guantanamo Bay is a prison for terrorists and at the prison they torture captives. Torture is justified to obtain information that will help keep America safe and ensure domestic tranquility.
Senate rejected President Obama’s 80 billion dollar request to close Guantanamo Bay with a vote of 90-6. Yet the significance of this is that more than two-thirds of republicans say torture can be justified compared to just over a third of democrats say that torture can be justified while the Senate is Democratically controlled (Poll: Half say Torture is sometimes justified). That proves that Senate thinks that the information obtained through torture at Guantanamo Bay is justified to ensure domestic tranquility like the founding fathers wanted for American citizens.

Neither Guantanamo Prison Camp nor harsh interrogations has led allies to leave our side, businesses to stop trading and investing here or Immigrants to leave our shores. Foreign governments support our efforts privately (Yoo). Other countries don’t want to look bad by supporting us or inflict bad relations in the Middle East for their countries but think that the United States is doing what is right to defend and protect its nation.
Torture is a necessary action to keep this nation safe from terrorism. President Bush’s polices of anti-terrorism that tortured three al-Qaeda members; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Faraj al-Libi, and Hassan Ghul. The torture of these three men lead to the Intel needed to take down Osama Bin Laden (Yoo).
Yet one might say that torture may mislead or give false information to the government. But by interrogating three al-Qaeda members their efforts to mislead the interrogators didn’t work when they compiled all the information to make a mosaic of intelligence (Yoo).
Yet can you consider waterboarding torture? Waterboarding is when you strap a person down facing up with their head declined while pouring water over their face to simulate drowning
Torture being illegal isn’t a good argument on proving why torture is wrong and not justified in any circumstances. The reason torture being illegal isn’t a good argument is because the law would just have to be passed through in Washington allowing torture in certain situations (Goldberg).
There should be a bill passed that states that torture of suspected terrorists during times of war is justified to obtain information or intelligence that would help protect the United States government and its citizens. The tens of thousands of lives lost from the 9/11 attacks and the war efforts is worth way more than the pain of three men to kill one of the main leaders of the terrorist group responsible for the attacks.

Works Cited
Goldberg, Bernard. “Is ‘Torture’ ever justified?” Fox News. 06 May 2011.
Poll: Half Say Torture is Sometimes Justified. Associated Press. 3 June 2009.
Yoo, John. ”Tough Interrogations Worked.” USA Today. 10 May 2011.

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