The Journey of My Life | Teen Ink

The Journey of My Life

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Life is a journey. On this journey I will make many side trips to reach my ultimate destination. My ultimate destination is not yet chosen, but my general direction is already clear enough.

My name is Hailey. I attend Palm Desert Middle School (PDMS) and am currently in the 7th grade. I study algebra, 7th grade life science, enhanced English, and music under the direction of Karen Dorn. I live in Indio and have a thirty-minute drive to look forward to every morning before and after school. I attend PDMS, because even though my parents can’t afford a house in Palm Desert, they believe that a good education is the key to life. We chose Palm Desert, because they have exceptional music and educational programs.

Since education is so important to me, winning this scholarship would be a great chance to push my limits. This trip would give me the opportunity to experience dorm life and dorm food up close. It will also show me whether or not I am ready to be away from home without anyone to help take care of me. If I prove to myself that I am independent enough then I should be prepared to live on my own when college time comes around.

Going to this camp would allow me to get closer to determining my final destination. As I said earlier, my destination is not yet determined. I think that if I had the chance to attend Tech Trek summer camp I would be able to have a better understanding as to how far I would like to take math on my journey through life.

I do know that I want to graduate from a four-year college located in California near my home. I wish to earn an academic scholarship. I also hope that wherever I attend school I will have the chance to play softball for their school team. I know that athletic scholarships are hard to come by. That is why I have to focus on my academic achievements closely.
In the next 10 to 20 years I wish to have graduated from college, have a good job that I enjoy, and to own my own house with all of my debts, if any, paid off to the college that I attend. As of right now I am unsure of my future career. However, I know that I would like a job that I can look forward to every morning when I wake up.

Recognizing that I want a wonderful life when I grow up, I understand that the number one rule is “Work hard now, reap the benefits later.” One of these benefits will be hearing people that made fun of you for being smart when you were younger finally calling you “boss”. For this reason I feel that taking this side trip will help me on my way to greatness.

I hope that after you’ve read about my life you will comprehend how important this scholarship is to me and understand how willing I am to jump at this opportunity you’ve provided me with. I believe that you will make the right choice and help me reach my ultimate destination. I leave you with these thoughts to ponder…

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This article has 1 comment.

luna4evr said...
on May. 14 2014 at 7:02 pm
Amazing essay for Tech Trek! I too was nominated for the program, but I didn't get in. Then again, my essay wasn't nearly as good as yours! Good luck! Tell me if you got in or not!