My Dad | Teen Ink

My Dad

April 18, 2008
By Anonymous

He is driving to soccer trying to settle three of six kids in the back seat. When we get to soccer a few of us pile out. Then he shoots like the flash and tries to make it to basketball on time. He is doing his best not to go crazy. Everyone asks him how he does it. He already has gray hair growing on his head with his blue eyes. He is still very active too. He is nice, kind, thoughtful, encouraging, and is always helpful. These are just some of the great things about my dad.

My dad is always helping me and encouraging me to do my very best. Our family plays a lot of sports. We play basketball, baseball, soccer and some of us take dance lessons and gymnastics. I play ice hockey. My dad does his very best to make it to every one of our events. Even if he doesn’t like the sport that much, and trust me it is hard for my dad to make it to all of our games. After the game is over my dad always has something helpful and encouraging to say. He never runs out of good advice.

My dad will never let me give up. In the summer we would go out and run a mile around the neighborhood. Everytime he said we were going to run that night I would moan and say no, then go to my room and lay on my bed like all of my energy had been drained. He would drag me out of my room and make me run. Now I run two miles with the Bullitt East soccer team. If my dad hadn’t pushed I wouldn’t be where I am today.

When I said he never lets me give up, I mean NEVER. This past year I was in my final year in a program at my church called AWANA. In the club there are three smaller clubs called Cubbies for the kids in pre-school and kindergarten. Sparks for first, second, and third graders. Truth and Training for forth, fifth, and sixth graders. AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. There are books with tasks in them that you try to complete by the end of the year. The book has eight chapters and seven sections to complete one chapter. For about eight years I have always finished the book for that year. This year I would receive the Timothy award for finishing all the books. But on my last year I thought that the book was too hard and I decided not to finish it. My dad found out and he wouldn’t let me quit. He made me keep at it until I finished it. On the last day of AWANA I finished the book. This showed me not to give up and to always finish my task.

My dad won’t make excuses no matter how hard his task is. My mom and dad have six kids to run around the universe from basketball to baseball to soccer and whatever else is going on. They get to it all. They also give us equal amounts of attention. But when I’m with my dad I feel like an only child. This shows me that he really cares.

He also spends most of his day at work. He gets up at about six in the morning, helps my high school siblings catch their bus, and makes everyone’s lunch. He goes to work and doesn’t get home until about five p.m. This is amazing because he is very busy and still does so much for me and my siblings.

My dad is a fun guy to be around. He is nice, smart, encouraging, and helpful. Every day after school when he gets home the whole household stops what they’re doing and flings onto him like a magnet. It always makes me smile when that happens. Now it’s plain and easy to see why my dad is my friend and my hero.

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