Acceptance Letter: Love | Teen Ink

Acceptance Letter: Love

November 7, 2007
By Anonymous

Today I recieved my acceptance letter, my acceptance letter for life. I walked to my mailbox and there it was. It wasn't in a fancy package, it wasn't very neat. When I opened it up, I wasn't quite sure what I would see. I wondered if it would be like Pandora, a life filled with horror. I thought perhaps it would be a million dollars, I'd be financially set for life. I thought it held the name of my one true love, a face I had yet to see. Maybe it held the secret of life, words of wisdom that would calm the storm in me. I was queasy and wheezy as I walked to my desk. I grabbed the letter opener and with shaking hands I opened the key to me. Inside was a piece of paper, it held the most profound words in my short sixteen years of life.
"Love"... that's all the note said. I sat there on my chair and pondered what this word might mean. I wondered, what future could love lay for me. Did it mean I was to find a romantic relationship that would last for many years. Would I have friends that would love me for many years to come. Then it hit me as though a ton of bricks. It was the message sent to me and not for everyone to see. It became a life decision, one I had to face everyday. I was sent here to love, love everyone no matter what they may be. It was my one true duty and I'll do it till I die. This is my life, I was sent here to love, and honey that's no lie. I will love in every way, love my friends and every stranger, love the ones who present danger. I have to love no matter what, because God first loved me.

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