How to Save Innocent Children | Teen Ink

How to Save Innocent Children

December 2, 2010
By Treyce BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Treyce BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

300 million people on Earth are obese yet many children die of hunger every second. I cannot imagine starving and waiting for the next meal or parcel of food to come along. Let alone just barely living on the food like starved children. The whole world should spread the food equally and save milllions of childrens lives.

First of all why does this happen? It happens because some children are less fortunate then others. For example some children’s parents can’t afford enough money to support their family or maybe a child has no relatives. Maybe a child is homeless and can’t find any food and just dies. It makes us as a society feel guilty for the lives that us as human beings could have saved over the necessity of food. Another reason that children die of hunger is because 25.9 million tons of edible and nutricious food is thrown out year. That could feed almost the whole world for half of a year. Imagine how many hungry children that could feed all over the world. That is why child hunger happens now lets see what can be done about it.

The way that we can save many starving childrens lives is by stop wasting food. Imagine how much food we could save if left over food from big events or buffets was sent to a charity that feeds hungry children. Also if big fast food chains or restaraunts are so successful then wy not donate food to the starving. I am sure they have plenty of left over food so why not donate? It seems like an easy solution but the fact is not many people donate things and become selfish. They make excuses like my family needs food when the fact is that they have a surplus of food. That food could potentially save a couple of kids lives, but people just don’t take into consideration other people only themselves. That is the way us, the human race, can save hundreds of thousands of lives of innocent children.

The world should come together and save lifes its as easy as giving food or money to a charity. Imagine the thankfulness of all the children who were saved by the world coming together as one to make the world a better place full of healthy children and overall happiness in the world. Only you can save the starving children so will you do it?

The author's comments:
I saw a comercial about how one kid dies of hunger every second and it inspired me to write this piece.

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