Family | Teen Ink


December 2, 2010
By Alan Tovar BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
Alan Tovar BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your family should be the most imported thing in some ones life because they care about you, they support you, and love you. Most of all they gave you your life. Your family should be important because God can choose the day for them to go. Wouldn’t you feel sorry if it happened, wouldn’t you want to go back and say sorry for what you did? Even if it was because you talked back or ignored them. Your family has always been there for you through difficult times, and you should be there for them to. They have always supported you on anything whether it’s a soccer game or anything else you might need support on. Of course, they’re also there to get you a good education. You should love your family very much, just as they love you. Remember to always love them because they are the very important people in our lives. Also remember that without them you wouldn’t be here. That’s why you should just live your life as enjoyable as it can be.

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