Did you really think that was smart | Teen Ink

Did you really think that was smart

June 17, 2010
By Amber Medina BRONZE, Clermont, Florida
Amber Medina BRONZE, Clermont, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most people in this world have ambitions and these ambitions deal with them making something that involves making the famous or having a successful job. While in High School many people tend to move away from their previous goals. These people tend to stop caring about their goals that they had previously put out for themselves and start caring only about what lets them have fun at that moment. I have made a list of the most empty headed people out there, some people would call them out right criminals but to be a criminal don’t you have to succeed at least once in your life. Out of these people bank robbers seem make the top of my list. One man improperly thought of his disguise while trying to rob a drugstore, walking into a the drugstore the man pulled out a weapon and announced that this was robbery then he pulled a hefty garbage bag over his head only then he realized he had forgot to cut eye holes in the bag. Another man in attempting to break into a bank by using a small window got severely got cut since he was profusely bleeding and unable to climb back out of the window he decided to call 911. The people who are most likely to rip off gas stations are not unusually the brightest crayons in the box one man took this to a whole new level when he showed inability to count. A man walked into a Circle-K gas station and placed a 20-dollar bill on the counter and then asked for change he then proceeded to pull out a weapon and demanded all the money in the cash register, which he got a total of fifteen dollars while forgetting his 20-dollar bill on the counter. In making the police able to find you rather quickly after a robbery this man made the one the dumbest of my list you just know his parents won’t be able to brag about him to their friends. In proceeding to rob a grocery store the man fled with all the cash in the register while forgetting his wallet on the counter.

Some people do the most idiotic things it’s truly astounding, one man walked to a police station and a dropped a bag of narcotics on the counter he then informed the police that this was a substandard cut and asked that the person who sold it to him be immediately arrested. One man never who liked to tell a lies, so when he informed an employee at a local drugstore that he and his accomplice were going to rob the place in 30 minutes he certainly was telling the truth, good thing for police who were there to arrest them right on time. Some people have such lack of sense it has reached an all time high when fleeing the scene of the crime a man jumped into a nearby car and yelled “run quickly before the cops come” failing to notice the car he jumped into was a police car. What I’m trying to say is not really recondite I’m just saying think before you squander your dreams away or you may end up like these charming people.Just use your common sense this summer really!!!

The author's comments:
I thought this info was hilarious

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