Why Eat? | Teen Ink

Why Eat?

June 17, 2010
By Michaelaa SILVER, Granada Hills, California
Michaelaa SILVER, Granada Hills, California
8 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Maybe someday I'll learn to trust myself.

People eat to survive in this world. But I say they’re just killing themselves. This world isn’t the best life you could live, so why would anyone want to survive? Yes, it’s true you can make it great. But why would you want to try? Wasn’t god supposed to make our lives easy? So why try at all, if there is a god then he would save us. But I don’t believe. He lived once, and for the same amount of time as the rest of us. A magician? When they first translated the bible, they made a mistake-who knows if they did it because it sounded better-but they said Jesus could walk on water. He couldn’t. The original bible states that he walked next to water.
See he wasn’t that different from you and me. Not so special after all. But people decided to make it like it was something big. A way of life which we are to follow. I only have one real question: Was god the one that wanted people to follow him, or were others just influenced by him?
Like I said before, Answers are lies. Everything in life is a lie. Some are still waiting to be told. But they do exist and they are out there. They just haven’t been discovered yet. So, discoveries are lies? It’s exactly that. Some things are easy to explain others are not. People made these mythical stories to explain the different ways of life that people believed. But I don’t think that much thought was put into this. Everything is a lie.
We don’t eat to survive, we eat to satisfy and make this life easier on us.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a book, but ran out of things to say. This is part of it.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 26 2010 at 12:57 pm
Michaelaa SILVER, Granada Hills, California
8 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Maybe someday I'll learn to trust myself.

Thank for reading:) I actually wrote this about 4 months ago, and my perspective has changed allot since then. That's why I couldn't finish the book I was so determined to write. But anywho, I don't believe in god. Or any higher power. Its one of those things thats hard to explain, more like a feeling about lifes meaning. I wish I could put it into words. Maybe someday I will.

on Jun. 20 2010 at 5:47 pm
Phoenix97 PLATINUM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
29 articles 4 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
See lyrics to "Let the Waters Rise" by MIKESCHAIR and "Everything" by Lifehouse

This article is interesting. From what I can gather, you believe that life has no meaning, no purpose, and, therefore, no value, and that basically we are a product of chance biology and nothing more. If this is true, then we all have no reason for living, no reason to make the world a better place, no reason to help each other, no reason to create anything. After all, if life is nothing, our art is nothing. Have you honestly learned to live for nothing? Personally, I could never do that. I'm one of those delusional, ignorant, hopeless people who believe in a God. You are right when you say that God doesn't make our lives easy. In some ways, He makes them harder. God challenges us to love others, even our enemies, and to forgive those who hurt us, two of the hardest things to do. He doesn't just leave us with an impossible task, though; He gives us the strength to do it. You say that if there was a God, he would save us. I think, if you look into the question, you'll find that He wants to, and will, if we let Him. I totally understand that you're disgusted with religion. I am too. Religion is empty, false, and a poor disguise for greed for power and money. Religion has hijacked Christianity. If you would like to learn who God really is and why He makes life worth living, I suggest the book "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell. Either way, you raise some interesting questions in this article.