What is love? | Teen Ink

What is love?

April 24, 2008
By Anonymous

What is love?

Many people go through high school asking themselves that very question. Is love having a guys name in your aim profile? Is it holding someone's hand? Or perhaps love is having someone to share special moments with , to laugh with , to cry with, to talk for for 4 hours talking about absolutely nothing but having it mean everything. And then the last hour knowing that you should probably get some sleep considering it is 3 o’clock in the morning and you have a full day of school tomorrow, but not being able to hang up because you will miss them way to much.

I have found myself asking this very question. I once had a special boy in my life who was also the boy who's name was under the quote “ Your my everything” in my aim profile. this boy was also the one who I shared special moments with, such as my very first time eating at Johnny Rockets , my first time bringing a boy to a family reunion to show all of my older cousins that I too had frown up and the boy who gave me my very first kiss. This boy and I laughed together about everything and also cried together when is family was experiencing difficult times. This boy and I drove my mother insane with how long we could talk on the phone about what my mother thought was nothing. My mother and others may have seen it as nothing at all but to us and our hearts it was everything. We stayed up on school nights until the early morning hours and always struggled to hang up because we would miss each other , but we would also remember we would have another 5 hour conversation the next night and we would get to see each other over the weekend.

As many high school relationships do, ours ended. After the end of our relationship the normal post break up things occurred. We talked bad about each other to the our friends while both hiding our feelings that we missed each other but were to hurt to try again. After a while we ended up hanging out. Unfortunately, we ended up talking about our feelings and ended up doing more than just hanging out. This happened a few more times after as well until he decided that he hated me and never wanted to hear from me or look at me again.
My life had been a lot different since. I still hold the pain inside and wonder if there is any way possible that we could ever make-up. I ten to look back on the “good ole times” we had had and miss the boy that used to be under the I love you in my aim profile. It is hard to tell if we were ever truly in love.

There are many definitions of love. At this point in my life its is if you love someone you should learn to let them go and be with other people, because no matter what ,even if you can’t be with them you want them to be happy and you want them to be able to feel loved again. Maybe love is having someone there for you no matter what, having someone carry your books in and out of school, maybe just maybe high schoolers don’t know the true meaning of love and make up there own ideas and perhaps none of them are right. Maybe high schoolers should concentrate on school work and going places in life rather then getting involved in high school relationships ,that trick you and make you believe you are in love, then from out of no where take that love away and make you realize you are only in high school and love is not a possibility.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 1 2010 at 10:16 am
EmoMonkey SILVER, Pataskala, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"

this is the awesomest poem about love and relationships i love what you write about