Palace or Essay | Teen Ink

Palace or Essay

April 14, 2010
By HannahF. BRONZE, Bronx, New York
HannahF. BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Reading through an essay corresponds to promenading through a palace. A paragraph can end up cracked like a room with a fallen crystal chandelier, but you can fix the essay the same way you renovate the palace. An essay needs enticing words just as a room needs decorations. Each paragraph resembles an idea. All of the transition sentences unite the paragraphs as doors unite the rooms. The adjectives, adverbs, strengths, and weaknesses all parallel different rooms of a palace. When you have visited all the rooms, you have finished reading the essay.

You open the brass gates, walk up the extensive walk way, turn the exquisitely carved door handle, and enter the palace. You have just come into the foyer. This room mirrors the strengths of an essay. The foyer walls are a simple matte-white, and the room has sparkling marble floors, just as the essay has clean and simple content with no rambling sentences. One small and remarkable painting of the Statue of Liberty and a tasteful assemblage of flowers remain the only decorations in the room. This displays how an essay can have simplicity and still engage your interest. Having a sturdy outline and topic with strong details will result in a high-quality essay just as a sturdy platform and base with strong materials will result in magnificent palace. You then travel through the foyer and up the stairs with a mahogany banister.

Down the hallway lays a shabby-looking door and when you enter, you shiver at the sight. This room never got renovated and now, invaded by darkness and dust, it frightens the one that dares to enter. The weaknesses in an essay parallel this room exactly. In the center of the room, on the filthy wooden floor, rests an immensely large cracked crystal chandelier. The bad organization of an essay parallels the light bulb bits and crystal pieces that are scattered about on the floor. Each broken crystal represents dreadful word choice, and every broken light bulb represents be verbs that got used so much that they stopped working. The broken wires stand for choppy sentences and bad fluidity that got cut off. With much time and effort this room will have the opportunity to be fixed in the same way that an essay can be edited. Hurriedly you leave this ghastly room and walk to a room a few doors down.

When you open the door, you are happy to realize that this colorful room is the sitting room. This room matches a necessity in writing: adjectives and adverbs. Without these words an essay can become dry and boring, although when these words are used correctly an essay transforms into an engaging fantasy. Delightful crochet pillows and abstract paintings correspond to adjectives that have so much power that when they are gone they leave extraordinary adverbs in their place. The color in the room fills you with feelings that are unexplainable but erupt with individuality. Long, short, bright and dull objects represent every type of adjective or adverb thinkable. Toy merry go-rounds that turn fast and play blissful music give you happiness, but the ones that turn slowly and play poignant tunes make you think about life and you begin to realize how much you can contribute. This descriptive room intrigues you, and you obtain so much interest in these enticing words.

As you now realize, reading through an essay is nearly identical to promenading through a palace. An essay can be fixed the same way a palace room can be renovated. The structure of an essay parallels the frame of a palace. You then go down the steps and leave through the marble floored foyer, turn the exquisitely carved door handle and exit the wonderful and mysterious palace. Slowly, you walk down the extensive walkway and exit through the brass gates. As you glance back at the palace you go through your entire journey and think of how much you learned. Now, you have finished reading the essay.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this essay while thinking about metaphors that describe the writing process.

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