Hand Prints | Teen Ink

Hand Prints

March 29, 2010
By fofanidani PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
fofanidani PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hand prints tell who a person is. They show characteristics. The lines in your hands are like your life lines or destiny (success, love, money, etc.) Hand prints are workers and helpers. They are your main resource of life. Without them you can’t do anything. You could try to accomplish doing things with your feet, but you might not be as successful or get that far.
My dad’s hand work 24/7, sometimes full of grease, but also has a sense of humor by teasing us or making jokes at our expense. My mom’s hands are always full of ingredients or cleaning products. My brother can be pretty handy and smart at times, but also a goof ball at making us laugh or just being himself and he also sometimes is sneaky. My sister bounces a ball as much as she can to feeling the smooth feeling of flour running through her fingers. My hand’s are full of stories, flipping of pages, and zipping away on wooden key’s.

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