Two Cuddly Pillows | Teen Ink

Two Cuddly Pillows

March 29, 2010
By Sara Lauer SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Sara Lauer SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who comfort me. I am the only one who lays on them. Two cuddly pillows with down feathers and silk edges. Two who are there night after night. Two cradle my head as my thoughts wonder. From my bed they lay, but are tempting me after a tiresome day.

Their purpose is rejuvenating. They send my imagination on an expedition. They protect me from side to side and watch my every move as my thoughts start on a roller coaster ride to a different fantasy. This is what they do.

When the sun starts to rise and the roller coaster comes to a halt, they allow me to completely unwind. Wake, wake, wake, they whisper. They request.

When I am too awake and too busy, when I am caught up in the hectic reality called life, that is when I ponder the ideas and thoughts from the night before. When it is time to crawl back in bed and shut my tired eyes. Two who will make all your dreams come to life. Two whose purpose is to soothe me.

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