Cyber Lives | Teen Ink

Cyber Lives

March 15, 2010
By Yeswecansayswecan BRONZE, Highland, Utah
Yeswecansayswecan BRONZE, Highland, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cyber Lives

Modern technology has built a telescope that can see the other side of the galaxy, put 100,000’s of songs in your palm, buil indoor beaches, and has even taken awkward eye contact out of conversation. With the invention of Facebook, you can now have a pet, run a farm, talk to your friends, or do anything you would want to do in reality. Only better. A real, better life is only a couple clicks away.

Facebook is convenience. It is now possible to talk to your friends anytime and not strain your vocal cords. You don’t even have to look at them. And if you don’t want to talk to them you can simple ignore them entirely. What more could you possibly want?
You can be friends with anyone in the world. Just the other day I decided I wanted to be friends with Tom Cruise. So I searched him and send friend requests to all four of his profiles. Another convenience, you can have multiple lives at the same time! No one even has to know it’s really you. If you’re old, ugly, or can find anything about yourself you don’t like you can simply just create a false identity and put a picture of someone you want to look like as your profile picture. You can be an online actor.
Relationships are important, but the first stages can be a little awkward. Why not break the ice with a little Facebook dating. Send each other messages, send digital flowers, and change your relationship status. Then once you’ve gotten past the hard part arrange a place to meet. Simple unawkward steps. Facebook is revolutionizing life itself.
But what if you’re still too embarrassed to talk to someone? Facebook has your answer for that problem too. Just look at their pictures. You can view all their information on their profile. You can follow up on all the details of your life. And if you encounter roadblocks like security settings, simply create a different profile and send a friend request. They’re bound to add you even if they don’t know who you are. If not, keep creating new profiles until you find one they accept. Then you have unlimited access to their profile. One more embarrassing moment avoided. Thank you Facebook!

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