Dealing with the Assistant Principals | Teen Ink

Dealing with the Assistant Principals

March 3, 2010
By mtbr2009 BRONZE, Fruita, Colorado
mtbr2009 BRONZE, Fruita, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Risk only lasts a second, but glory lasts forever

Have you ever had trouble with the assistant principals? If you’ve ever tried to pass something buy them it is near impossible. The assistant principals are single minded and don’t typically change there minds for you. The assistant principal’s office has to be the worst and hardest thing about high school.

Every one may think badly of them because yes they are the bearers of bad news. Yes, they do give detentions and punish the bad things that students do. They can be mean to the bad kids just because they are trying to help but that is not the reason it is the worst for me. About a week ago I walked upstairs to the assistant principal’s office to attempt to drop my fifth and sixth hour class. The assistant principal I was talking to was not about to budge on his theory. No matter what I had to say he shot it down. He was using the term “Joe blow” when he was talking about me. “I am not going to give a middle of the day release to just any Joe blow”.

So all I can say is good luck when dealing with the assistant principals just know they are very single minded. So in my eyes dealing with the assistant principals is the hardest/ worst part of high school.

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