The Trip of a Life Time | Teen Ink

The Trip of a Life Time

February 13, 2010
By andyo935 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
andyo935 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is nothing but a train trip. It’s full of embarks and disembarks spattered with accidents, unwanted surprises, and deep sadness. When we’re born, we aboard the train; and we find some people who we think will always be with us on this trip: our parents. Unfortunately reality differs. They will get off in some station and leave us orphans of their affection, friendship and their irreplaceable company. However this does not preclude the embark of other people very special to us. Our siblings, friends, and marvelous loves will come. Of the people who get on this train, some will just be taking a short trip. Others are only going to find sadness on the trip…and others that, going throughout the train, will always be ready to help whoever needs assistance. Some go away and leave a permanent yearning; other pass so unnoticed that we don’t even become aware. Let’s try to relate well with the passengers, looking in all of them the best they have to offer. The great mystery, at the end, is that we will never know in which station we will disembark, much less when our companions will, not even the person sitting next to us. So let’s make our time on this train peaceful, and valuable. Let’s do as much as we can and make a difference, so when our time to disembark comes, our empty seat leaves yearning and congenial memories on the people who remain on the train. I am thinking if when I get off the train, I will feel nostalgia…I think I will. Getting away from some friends I made in the trip will be painful. Leaving my family alone will be very sad.

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