The Importance of Friendships | Teen Ink

The Importance of Friendships

January 24, 2010
By Anonymous

One of the most important aspects in my life are my friends. Everyone needs at least one friend to talk to, and help them get through their hardships in life. Especially when you get into middle school because that’s were all the drama starts to happen, and that is where you really depend on your friends the most. Friends mean everything to me, and without them I would probably be stuck in some sticky situations.

I like to consider my friends as my sisters and brothers. Like a sister or brother, my friends are always there to support me and help me in every way they can. I’m always going to them for advice or their opinion on certain situations. The predicaments that I can use my friends for can vary from what outfit to wear to what I should do about a certain guy. I mean I can use my parents for dilemas like those, but I like my friends suggestions so much more. Also everyone has there own little clique, which determines who you are and who you hangout with. So if you know who your true friends are, then you already have your own clique. Although you might want to be in “the cool” clique, all that matters is that you are happy and you are with your friends. Honestly, I think people wouldn’t be able to function correctly without a friends recommendation or just being able to have good friends.

Clearly, everyone needs a friend no matter what they might say or think. Without friends I wouldn’t know who to talk to, I wouldn’t have anyone to hangout with, and there wouldn’t be anyone to support me in a majority of things. Having friends is the best part of my life, and I don’t know what I would do without them. What would anyone do without friends?

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