Goat T-Shirts Sold at Arrowhead | Teen Ink

Goat T-Shirts Sold at Arrowhead

January 11, 2010
By Maura Falk SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Maura Falk SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I buy goats, Haiti relief project 2010,” states the new fundraising shirt at Arrowhead. As to what this shirt really means I am here to tell you. Arrowhead has been raising money to send goats to Haiti.

The social studies department at Arrowhead has taken on a charity project to send goats to Haiti. The project is headed by the Lake Country Rotary and veterinarian Ken Schumann and at Arrowhead’s social studies teacher Chris Herriot.
Haiti is currently the poorest country in the Western hemisphere with approximately 80% of the people residing under the poverty line according to the CIA World Fact Book.
In Haiti goats are a number one source of food and provide life sustaining benefits for the local population. The program sends goats to the Haitian people. The money raised goes to funding a class for the recipients of the goats to learn how to take proper care of their new arrivals.
The goal at Arrowhead was to raise $25,000 in order to pay for 20 goats to be sent and provide 2 full classes on goat rearing.
During lunch, shirts are still available for purchase for $10 with $5 going to the charity so you can join Arrowhead in “saving the world one goat at a time.” “This is something we would love to continue,” said Harriet.

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