All Plans Down the Drain | Teen Ink

All Plans Down the Drain

December 16, 2009
By Rachel Shertzer BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Rachel Shertzer BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All Plans down the Drain
“Good morning” said Hope.” Good morning” I said back just snootier
“What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing.” I said
“You better get used to this cause this is how I am in the morning.” she just looked at me and started to cry. Oh great now I’m gonna have to go calm her down and then she will be mad at me forever.” Hope I can’t help it im a snob in the morning.” “I don’t care” “yes you do I know it” “well then you know wrong!” “Ok I guess I’m wrong” I slammed the door “oh by the way you missed breakfast that mom cooked!” “Oh”said Hope “yeah oh.”
Well that’s how my day started, and you know what I don’t care anymore, cause im better than that. When I got to school I realized I had gym and I didn’t bring sneakers. Gosh I have a detention now, and not after school, Saturday detention. Ugh. So now I have to wake up at 9:30in the morning so and sit in a room fortwohours, reallyall because of hope. She needs to move out like right now I can’t take her anymore.
Well I think im going to kick her out. Today she ruined my makeup she said I need it she does her makeup by the toilet and then she dropped, and then laughed at it and she said to let it go it is just makeup and I told her no it’s not just makeup it had your good concealer in it. And now im grounded because I got smart with my mom about it but oh well. Tonight is thanksgiving and this year and I can’t wait to see Aunt Vinnie and Uncle Jordan and Cousin Ryan, Sarah, Shendi, Rileigh and also Aunt Ryan and uncle Baily and his kids, to many so I want list them, on and I cant wait to see what’s presents they bring my family isn’t normal when we have thanksgiving we get presents and at Christmas we get a lot of presents.ugh,and tonight is when we start baking with everyone here everyone helps out with the cookies and fruit cake but I hate it and the guys get to sit and watch TV while we cook after then after we cook the guys clean up. The dishes, while the ladies watch TV, gossip paint nails, and do hair. After that the parents leave, first Aunt Vinnie and Uncle Baily their kids, next we go cause turkey makes me tired and I had five helpings that’s no exaggeration and trust me I had five plates. Well goodnight.Im going to bed I will write tomorrow!

The author's comments:
I got inspired to do this story from a book i previously read Girlbomb by Janice Erlbaum and i thought this is a really good book so i decided to do this story.

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