At 6 o’clock…Death | Teen Ink

At 6 o’clock…Death

December 4, 2009
By wisealec BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
wisealec BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You hear the news. The voice of the well mannered blonde spitting the day’s deaths, losses and overall down fall of humanity. You can’t understand how people watch it. I can’t either. The murder, the same as always, for the same reasons as always. Money, greed, ignorance, hatred. The same pointless hatred. People doing senseless things. And the oracle sits atop her mount and preaches the hate of the world. As though it were some kind of sport. Not just America plays. In fact, the whole world is on the team. And the whole team is going down the porcelain goddess according to her rhetoric. Socially, economically, morally, we’re all better off dead it seems. Everything is getting worse.
Apparently our kids are in danger. Apparently, there is a new health risk in everyday life; apparently the mayor solicited a prostitute. But we go about the world in a lackadaisical fashion, apparently. Because day to day we do not see most of this agony. It’s like a far off land and the news is just a falsity. But it is not. It is a hyped up, amped up version of only the dark side of life. It only increases the social and racial stereotypes we already so overly portray in everyday media. But we watch it, every night. We don’t want to miss American idol, so why not tune in early and see the world raze itself to the ground through corruption and self-destructive activities like war. But in a different perspective, we know we aren’t like that. We; as a people, as a species are violent, yet kind. The news seems to focus on the harshness of our existence. Not the genuine human emotions, not the happiness. Not the kindness and the selflessness that only humans are capable of. Unless you count the two minutes at the end of the 26 minute recounting of the days death and despair. Yet, everybody watches it. Why? The same reason we look at the sun. Even though it burns our eyes. We are fascinated and interested in it. So what if it’s wrong. Its like the book of revelations, a tale of death despair, and overall hell. The world sucks, and everybody will die. THAT should be their sign off line.

The author's comments:
Its about the news

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