Worlds Hardest Animals Final Exam | Teen Ink

Worlds Hardest Animals Final Exam

December 1, 2009
By Zero3 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Zero3 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Worlds Hardest Animal Final Exam
Score: ______/34

What color is a flamingo when it is first born?
A: Green

B: Blue

C: Pink

D: Grey


What is the shape of the flamingoes beak when it is first

A: “S” shaped
B: “Z” shaped

C: Straight

D: Curved


What is the fastest insect, and how fast does it travel?

A: cockroach, 4mph
B: Lady bug, 6mph

C: Dung beetle, 2mph
D: Ant, 25mph


In what month and year was the giant squid first

A: November, 1998
B: December, 2006

C: July, 1956
D: September, 1787


In what year was the first live picture taken of a giant

A: 2004

B: 2006

C: 1998

D: 1787


In what depth range, below the ocean’s surface, does a giant
squid live in?
A: 0-650ft.
B: 650-3000ft.
C: 3000-4500ft.

D: 4500ft. +


What is the shortest binomial name of the species of the
Great Evening Bat?

A: “la io”

B: “go go”

C: “ni ok”
D: “ko lo io”


What would happen if you ingested polar bear liver?

A: It would taste bad

B: You would die from lead poisoning

B: You would die from vitamin A poisoning

D: Nothing


When was the Guinea Pig first domesticated?

A: 2009

B: 1787

C: 2000BC

D: 4000BC


Approximately how many Starlings are there in North

A: 267,594

B: 200mil

C: 300mil

D: 250mil


What mammal has the strongest bite?

A: Tasmanian Devil

B: Blue Whale

C: Pit Bull

D: Antelope


Where does the Tasmanian Devil store its body fat?

A: Its Belly

B: Its Thighs
C: Its Tail

D: Its Head


Around how many days does it typically take a Wombat to
complete digestion?

A: 1

B: 5

C: 10

D: 14


Which of these is a defense technique that a wombat might
use when defending its home, underground, from other predators?

A: Throw rocks

B: Throw dirt

C: Bash the predators head on the ceiling until it stops breathing

D: Use a combination of speed and agility to chase predators out


About how long is a woodpeckers tongue, compared to its

A: The size of its head

B: The size of its mid-section

C: The size of its tail

D: The size of its whole bod


Which of these four animals are NOT anteaters?

A: Aardvark

B: Echidna

C: Pangolin

D: Chuckwalla


17:___. Aardvark

A: Any of a breed of large,
18:___. Echidna
long-haired, domestic cats that have
19:___. Pangolin
a very full, tapered tail.
20:___. Chuckwalla

B: A large, burrowing, nocturnal,
21:___. Maine Coon
ungulate, mammal of sub Saharan
22:___. Civet
Africa that has a long snout,
23:___. Okapi
extensile tongue, powerful claws,
24:___. Ibis
large ears, and a heavy tail.
25:___. Ibex

C: An oviparous, spiny-coated,
26:___. Cuckoo
toothless, burrowing, nocturnal,
27:___. Coelacanth
mammal of Australia, Tasmania,
28:___. Chow Chow
and New Guinea, which has a long
29:___. California Condor
extensile tongue and long, heavy


D: Any of various Old World
?Answers for the test are on the
carnivorous mammals with long
sheet of paper that is attached
bodies, short legs, and a usually long
to the back-side of the test.

E: A large, herbivorous lizard of
?I am not making up the names
desert regions of the southeastern
of the animals on this test, they
are all real animals, not imaginary.

F: Any of a family of Asian and

African edentate mammals having
?This test is worth 100% of your
the body covered with large,
grade, in my class, and failure is
imbricate, horny scales.
NOT an option.

G: An ungulate mammal of Zaire

that is closely related to the
?If you do fail, you will be removed
giraffe, but has a relatively short
from the class immediately and you
neck, a coat typical of solid reddish
will not receive any credit for the
chestnut on the trunk, yellowish-

white on the cheeks, and purplish-

black and cream rings on the upper
?However, you may retake this
parts of the legs.
class as many times as needed in

H: Any of various wading birds
order to receive the actual credit.
related to the herons, but

distinguished by a long, slender,
?Also, there is a 10$ cost for the
downwardly curved bill.
test, after you have failed it at

I: Any of several wild goats
least one time, and failure to pay
living chiefly in high mountain areas
this cost will result in being, again,
of the Old World an having large
removed from the class and not
re-curved horns, transversely rigid
receiving any credit.
in front.

J: A largely grayish-brown

European bird that is a parasite and

is given to laying its eggs in the

nests of other birds, which hatch

them and rear their offspring.

K: Any of an order of lobe-

finned fishes, known chiefly from

Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils.

L: Any of a breed of heavy-

coated, blocky dogs of Chinese

origin, having a broad head and

muzzle, a distinctive blue-black

tongue, a black-lined mouth, and

either a long, dense coat with a full

ruff, or a short smooth coat.

M: A large, nearly extinct,

vulture, found most recently in the

mountains of Southern California,

which is related to the Condor of

South America.

True and False
Write a “T” for True and a “F” for False

By 1800 B.C., the Donkey had reached the Middle East where the trading city of Damascus was referred to as the “City of A****” in cuneiform texts.

The St. Bernard dog breed is the preferred dog in China because it yields a better-tasting and more economical source of meat than other breeds of dog.

Based on fossils, blood, and DNA, the closest living relatives of whales and dolphins are turtles. Evidence shows that their ancestors are the closest living descendants of that ancestor species.

Calico cats (cats with coats of white, orange, and black fur) are almost always female. However, 1 in 3000 calico cats are males. These male calico cats have an extra X chromosome, and are usually sterile.

Animals in the “Phylum Chordata”, which includes all vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals), as well as several closely related invertebrates, are the only animals that do not have tongues. The tongue is considered the second organ in the digestive system.
Worlds Hardest Animals Test Answer Key

Question #1: D: Grey

Question #2: C: Straight

Question #3: A: Cockroach, 4mph

Question #4: B: December, 2006

Question #5: A: 2004

Question #6: B: 650-3,000ft.

Question #7: A: “la io”

Question #8: C: You would die from vitamin A poisoning

Question #9: C: 2,000BC

Question #10: B: 200mil.

Question #11: A: Tasmanian Devil

Question #12: C: Its tail

Question #13: D: 14

Question #14: C: Bash the predators head on the ceiling until it stops breathing.

Question #15: D: The size of its whole body

Question #16: D

Question #17: B

Question #18: C

Question #19: F

Question #20: E

Question #21: A

Question #22: D

Question #23: G

Question #24: H

Question #25: I

Question #26: J

Question #27: K

Question #28: L

Question #29: M

Question #30: True

Question #31: True

Question #32: False

Question #33: True

Question #34: False

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