The Tenth Commandment | Teen Ink

The Tenth Commandment

November 11, 2009
By Anonymous

Be happy for your home and your bed and your clothes. Tomorrow they could all be taken away. The variety of white linen and blue cotton come so inconsequential to your mind. Denim jeans and khaki pants with closed pockets of wealth keep the coins of happiness plentiful in your life. Should you join me in the alley of Vine Street to yearn for a dumpster of dinner? Stay on top of bills and check your balance it could all skip a beat. Then the silver Lexus and diamond ring will become a thing of the past and a cart shall take its insignificant place. Then you will notice how abundant are the goods in your life. For it is then you will betray the last of commandments and covet that of what you once had. Why do you let these cherished possessions become unthankful presences of the mind? While once Egyptian cotton could lavish your sleeping limbs, if you cease to recognize the value of your treasures UPS may reflect in your desirous eyes at night. Take not for granted the nights spent with your family, would you rather be gathered round a fiery trash bin in sense of some warmth amongst strangers. Do you now see the hell which could engulf you so you choose the path of gluttony and bitter greed? I have enough money to not become that. Do you not listen to my words of wisdom and experience? Blessed be the future you succumb to for it shall envelope hardship and pain for you and your family if you choose to abandon your ways. You to shall join me in the alleys of Vine Street to yearn for a dumpster of dinner.

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