Looks Can Be Deciving | Teen Ink

Looks Can Be Deciving

October 12, 2009
By Miss809 BRONZE, Marrero, Louisiana
Miss809 BRONZE, Marrero, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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cant stand hur

People juged others by the way they look. People like to juge others thats why you should be carfull of what you were. Teens are the most people that juge people. Most teens dont notice what others feel when you juge them by there looks. people dont notice that the ugliest are sometimes the nicest people in the world and the prettiest people can sometimes be the meanest people. You can really hurt someone just by jugeing some one. If you juge people by the way they look its very selfcenterd because you dont know if that person has low selfesteme. Low selfesteme can lead to Suicide. In socity one has to be carful with thier opinions of how a peron looks like. Many people likes to juge others by apperences.

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