Opinions: Similar close or far away | Teen Ink

Opinions: Similar close or far away

June 28, 2009
By Anonymous

The world is full of many different kinds of people. It's big and beautiful. So people always think that because someone lives halfway across the world, say in this case Austrailia, that they can't understand what we're going through here in the U.S.
That isn't true. I'm become part of a pen pal email program recently. I've been emailing my pen pal from Austrailia for several weeks now. He has similiar things happening in my life that are or have happened in mine. Girlfriend, big tests, bad influences, religion, etc. I have learned a lot from him. I respect his beliefs and he in return has learned to respect my beliefs. We may live far away from each other but it's a good learning experience that shows you that everyone wants the same things.
Love from friends and family, maybe even a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a good future, a happy life, fun things to do, being proud of yourself, and being unique. So if you meet someone who is from another country don't assume that they won't understand your situation. They probably will more than you even realize. So step outside your comfort zone. Meet new people. Try to learn from different people's points of view. You may find a new friend who may remind you that you're not alone.

The author's comments:
This article is talking about an experience I have with a pen pal from Austrailia that I email. We lead different lives but similar challenges. So the world may be big but everyone has similar things that everyone can relate to. Learning new points of view with different kinds of people is a part of life that some of us haven't been forced to be a part of yet but when you're older with a job, you might have to. So I'm simply saying, "Break out of your cliques wherever you are and reach out to get to know someone who isn't like you. You may wonder why you were afraid or not interested in doing it before."

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