Shoes Questionaire | Teen Ink

Shoes Questionaire

February 25, 2009
By Daniel Romero BRONZE, Charlestown, Indiana
Daniel Romero BRONZE, Charlestown, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Q 1. Where are the oldest shoes found and how old are they?
Q 2. What was the first crafted rigid shoes?
Q 3.Who was the first to create sandals?
Q4. What type of shoes did soldiers where?
Q 5. What is a sneaker defined as?
Q 6. What type of became fashionable in the 17th century?
Q 7. What is the most generally worn type of footwear?
Q 8. What is the foot protection of cold countries?
Q 9. What were the oldest sneakers used in basketball?
Q 10. What are the most well-known shoes today?

A 1.

The author's comments:
Ran out of class time.

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