the night club elevator | Teen Ink

the night club elevator

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

As the blaring music bumps the elevator door open. "Well hello there," states Steve Urkel in a
creepy voice. "Um hey there handsome," Rihanna replies sexy "Where to my love?" "The third
floor please." The elevator creeps to a halt on the second floor to pick up another person. The
elevator door opens and no other than Lil John steps in. "Hey there gangster," Steve says. "What?!!!"
"Hey there!" "What?!!!" "HEY THERE!!! ARE YOU DEAF?"
"Okay!!" The doors close "Where you headed to gorgeous?" "Floor number three. Fosho!"
"Steve honey can you press number three again?" "Anything for you baby," speaking with a
soft sensitive voice. The doors close and the elevator budges. It goes up passed three to four,
five, and six. Steve panics and jumps to the emergency button and the elevator stops in the middle
of the sixth floor. "Did I do that?" "What?!!" "Did I do that?" "Yahyah!" "It's
okay baby just press number three and well go back down." "Sure just for you muffin." The
elevator nudges but that's all. As the music thumps, the three sit in the elevator. "Help!!
Help!!" Steve frantically shouts. "What!!" "Help!!" "Okay!!" "Get me out!!"
"What am I gunna do I'm in the same position you are in?" "You said you would help!"
"What?!!" "For peeps sake never mind!" "Lil john baby, you can't do that to him."
"Okay!!" "Hey Steve?" lil john shouts. "What? Hahaha." "Pull your pants down a lil
you're getting yourself all wigged out with them so high." "I'm fine, jerk!" "What! I'm gunna kick the crap out of you." "You two stop and lets get out of
here." Suddenly, the elevator lurches up and they start climbing higher 7...8...9...10.
"Wait!" Rihanna blurts. "How many floors are there?" "What?!!" "Lil John!" "4"
"Well why does it say we are on 11?" "What?!!" "For real?" Rihanna and lil john look at
Steve as he's pressing the evacuated button. "NO! NO! No!" The elevator drops quickly until
it slams to the first floor with dust falling everywhere "Did I do that?" The door opens with
the whole night club staring at them with Justin Timberlake waiting at the door. It dead silent
until Steve gets up. "I may look dorky but I just brought sexy back!!"

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 16 2009 at 9:54 pm
LoveLikeWoe DIAMOND, LeSueur, MN, Minnesota
54 articles 2 photos 748 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever laughs first has the sickest mind.

oh wow. a little weird but the ending was funny