June 24, 2009
By sanjanaforever BRONZE, New York, New York
sanjanaforever BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Temptations are a part and parcel of every person’s life. Without succumbing to them life is incomplete. After all, life is a maze of experiences and one can truly absorb the essence of life only when it is experienced to the fullest. At the same time the consequences of the very own temptations can cost you heavily. Although this circumstance is possible for anyone the severely affected lot are the teenagers. Teenagers, being extremely vulnerable become incapable of resisting themselves and thus develop numerous habits which are extremely difficult to overcome. For instance the addiction towards alcohol and drugs is so high that teenagers become unable of withdrawing from it and end up withdrawing from themselves. No wonder that temptations played a vital role in creating history. As they have their roots buried deep under the events that transpired the Garden of Eden. The intensity of God’s, being extremely high has influenced the past generations greatly and will leave back a prominent impact on the forthcoming generations.
There are umpteen numbers of reasons behind succumbing to temptations during teen age. For instance, peer pressure is a major contributor and is also quite relevant. In addition there are hormonal changes and parental neglect. In today’s complex life teenagers have to cope with various challenges and also face people from different odds and ends. Also they spend an ample amount of time with their near and dear. Thus friends play a major role and subsequently influence heavily. It is said that one rotten apple spoils the rest. Initially one picks up the habit demonstrates it among his group and compels other member to do the same. Like the way Eve urged Adam to taste the fruit. Possibilities are there that some might stay stable in their intentions and resist their temptations. But eventually all end up developing the habit and it soon becomes a trend. In addition hormonal and psychological changes activate the teenager mentally which is rather a self motivation or encouragement to succumb to the irresistible temptations sooner or later. Although these alterations in the body are quite obvious at this age one should be capable of withstanding it realizing its importance. Moreover there is parental neglect which is experienced amongst a considerable amount of teenagers. Parents are of what use if they can’t undertake the responsibility of taking care of their own children. Understood that life keeps them occupied but can’t they afford a share of their invaluable time to spend it with their very own children? Parents may not realize the consequences immediately but over a period of time they would understand what poor adult supervision and neglect actually mean.
The thrust for this practice is great and so are the consequences. This habit brings along pleasure and a host of health related complications along with it like liver and lung cancer, breathing problems etc. No doubt it is drugs. Teenagers loose self control and end up indulging in drugs and consuming alcohol. Some teenagers claim that in order to acquire ultimate relief from emotional stress and depression they have chosen the path of drugs. But what to do when adults since prehistoric age have been unable to resist themselves how can the teenagers do. For instance Eve came under the words of the serpent, and her attraction towards the fruit made her break the covenant and disrespect God’s say. Likewise today teenagers are unable of gaining control over their temptations Eve was several millennia ago. Although it was a mere fruit the outcome of eating it paid back Adam and Eve heavily. Similarly alcohol and drugs may seem attractive today but ultimately they contribute to loss of life.
Due to hormonal changes physical attraction is not uncommon amongst teenagers. Their curiosity to know and experience is what makes them indulge in sexual activities. Unfortunately they fail to understand that the result of experiencing it in an early age can be adverse. Also reproduction has to happen anyways so what urges them to experience it so early? Without taking important precautionary measures they get involved and the outcome is -sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, HIV and teenage pregnancies. One of the main causes for this is media and technology. Teenagers are exposed to a variety of sources such as the internet through which they gain access to the above mentioned habits.
Stealing which comes along with gambling may not seem of utter importance but over a period of time it can become harmful. In fact these temptations turned into habits may develop on a large scale basis and some may adopt it as a profession. One of the causes for attraction toward gambling and stealing is the will to earn money. When teenagers feel deprived and dejected due to rejection of something by their parents they attempt to fulfill their wish without depending on anybody. For instance, parents may not buy their children all the latest gadgets in the market, when the children observe their friends owning it they feel deprived and left out. Thus it is quite natural for them to steal or involve in a game through which they can earn quick money and fulfill their wish. In addition gambling can involve murder and violence which is against the welfare of teenagers and leaves back a negative impact on them.
These are just a few. As it is said prevention is better than cure, teenagers can obtain a healthy life only when they are aware and properly educated about preventive measures. Thus education is extremely important. Lack of awareness is what makes teenagers commit mistakes. Also, frequent counseling keeps them in check and helps in supervision. Last but not the least there is rehabilitation which aids teenagers to avoid these habits and also overcome it for those who have already developed it. Basically all these measures go hand in hand but ultimately help in leading a fruitful life. Given these facts one can say that we are our own masters and our actions are based on how we think. As we are responsible for our actions we should try our best to act judiciously and practically. Thus, No wonder that god made us imperfect but yes, he didn’t make us incompetent like the manikins for sure.

The author's comments:
Being a teengaer myself i was immensely inspired by the problems youth of my age group are facing at present.

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This article has 1 comment.

rree said...
on Mar. 12 2014 at 10:53 am
best counselling site for teenagers who get tempted