How to Proactively and Kindly Solve Problems | Teen Ink

How to Proactively and Kindly Solve Problems

January 11, 2024
By ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Lots of time Time
A mound of Patience 
1 clear mind 
1 Pros and Cons list 
A good memory 
A touch of Self-Awareness 
1 Prepared mind 


To solve problems proactively and kindly, will always start with obviously a problem. This problem could be in the workplace,school, sports or wherever you choose. 
It's important to understand that there is nobody more important to you than yourself in this situation. You have to put yourself first before anyone else.
The first step is space and patience. Until you can handle the situation calmly and collected you should have some space from the issue. 
Once you have a clear mind, you can start making your pro and con list 
In this list you list pros and cons to the situation and see what side you feel more comfortable on
If you stay on the pros then your probably good to fix the situation but if you stay on the cons it's better to just forget the situation and and do what helps you most
If you choose to fix the situation it's important to have some self-awareness. Most likely you weren't the best version of yourself in the argument so it's crucial to understand and recognize your mistakes 
Go in prepared and with a good memory 
Talk calmly and respectfully and always listen to your opponent 
If the conversation starts to go south sprinkle some patience in and if that doesn't work it's better to just drop the situation and use a touch of that clear mind to help
Clearly your opponent didn't read this recipe if it went south

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