Show's Over | Teen Ink

Show's Over

June 13, 2009
By Anonymous

The definition of acting, in my opinion, is lying for sheer entertainment. You pretend to be someone you’re not and say things that aren’t true in order to keep the laughs and intrigue going. You play with the audience’s emotions to make them like you, hate you, feel bad for you, all that jazz.

There are two types of real good actors. There’s just one huge difference between them; one saves their acting for the stage. Acting is simply a job to them, and they would never act to hurt someone. They act simply for the audience’s pleasure. And so far, society hasn’t looked down on them for it, because the average person knows that it’s an act, and I’m doing it to amuse them.

The other type of actors, however, perhaps have an even better talent for lying than the first. They’re the one’s that have never been on a stage before in their life, but they’ve acted. Oh; how they’ve acted! They live for acting. For this reason, I like to call them “off-stage actors”.

Off-stage actors hand pick their audience members specially based on their level of kindness and compassion, and then the show begins. They play with the audience’s emotions, making them absolutely adore the performer by smiling and exchanging pleasantries, and whatnot.

Then, right when the audience simply adores the off-stage actor, they switch. Snap! That fast. They turn into a sobbing puppy-dog of a person to make their spectators feel sorry for them.

The finale consists of yet another personality switch. This time, they combine a bit of the first two with a new trait…judgment. The actors, being the pleasant and perfect person that they were in the beginning, and the sad and helpless little child in the middle, manipulates the viewers into thinking the off-stage actor is sad and lost because of something they have done.

How do I know so much about this act? I was one of the regulars for the off-stage actors, showing up to every performance and getting a front row seat. I laughed, I cried, I yelled, and I hated it.

I would call off-stage actors a liar, but that doesn’t seem to justify what they do. Liars simply lie to get out of the trouble they dug themselves in. An off-stage actor doesn’t lie to stay out of trouble, they lie for entertainment. Not for their audience’s entertainment, oh no, but for their own. They lie because they want to see their spectators go on an emotional rollercoaster, until they get sick and throw up every feeling they once had.

So you see, don’t fear liars. They don’t want to harm you. They’re just trying to keep from being labeled as a troublemaker. It’s the off-stage actors you have to worry about, not the ones on stage, but the ones who live the act.

I don’t see any use for their cruel ways. Off-stage actors hurt the only caring and gentle people on this earth, and their pain results in a loss of emotion. They loved that actor, but after the show’s over, their love has been burnt out, and all other feelings with it.

So if you have met an actor, don’t be an audience member of their’s. This is one play you don’t want to watch. And as much as they tell you otherwise, this is a show that simply must not go on…

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