Always There | Teen Ink

Always There

December 12, 2022
By Sierra2700 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Sierra2700 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Plastic,

Thank you for saving my Grandpa.

And my dad.

And my little sister.

And the unbelievable amount of lives since you were created.

Thank you for being the support they needed when nothing else could’ve done the same.

My grandpa needed your help when he was in the hospital an uncountable amount of times. When he was in the army, his body didn’t always endure the tasks he was given. You helped soothe his body and take away that unbearable pain he endured the many times he ended up in the hospital late at night in the emergency room. From the IV bag to the dressing to cover his wounds, you soothed the pain and helped heal him.

His diabetes hasn’t allowed him the joy in life he deserves, but you make it possible for him to live. The device he uses daily to track his blood sugar is thanks to you. The insulin pens he needs to feel like a person is thanks to you. The drive to the hospital to receive the PVC tubes that deliver the liquids he needs every week is a monotonous process, but you make it painless and beneficial.

My dad needed your help when he was on vacation in Colorado, nearly seeing his family for the last time. He was so thankful you were in the hospital when he needed surgery when he wasn’t able to support himself. When I saw you attached all over his body, I was so scared as a little girl. The clear PVC pumping nutrients, the IV bag, the wound coverings from surgery, the bed he laid on; it was all so overwhelming. Now, I know you’re one of the reasons I still see my dad every day. 

My little sister needed your help when she rode in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, after her ovaries had twisted inside of her own stomach when she was only in 5th grade. She was so thankful you assisted her in emergency surgery at the latest hours of the night, last minute after being rushed to the ER frantically. The probes, the machines, the oxygen mask; all instruments that were used that day. Those objects saved her life, and it’s all thanks to you.

Thank you for bringing me into this world and helping my mom through the pain.

You were there when I was born; at midnight on a random weekday in June. My mom struggled so hard to get me here, and you were there for her, being her root that helped her cope with the pain.

My mom was laying on a bed made of you, supporting her for hours, and soon enough, you were supporting me too. 

I met you for the first time when the oxygen mask was placed above my mouth.

No matter the time of day or location, you’re always there when anyone needs you.

Some people believe you aren’t good. I refuse to believe that. 

I think those are just rumors from people who don’t know how many lives you’ve saved, how many people you’ve helped, and how many little lives you’ve brought into this world. 

So I just wanted to say thank you for everything.

Yours Truly,


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