Vet | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By 25kr02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
25kr02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I live on a farm with about 120 animals. I love taking care of them and helping them. One responsibility on my farm is to help give shots to the cattle when the time comes. My job is to draw out the medicine then my dad gives them the actual shot. Our Vet is impressed by my love for animals. The Goal I have for the future is to become a Veterinarian.

The reason why I want to become a Vet is that there are different varieties, I love animals, and It is a cool job. 

My main reason for wanting to be a Vet is because there is a wide variety. Most vets work with many types of animals. They could work with hogs, cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, and cats. Those are the main species but some vets chose to work with animals like birds, spiders, or even snakes. 

You could work with small or large animals. Large animal vets work out on farms or ranches. Small animal vets typically work in a standard veterinary practice or animal hospital and perform regular checkups, administer vaccines, and treat any wounds or broken bones.  

There are also a lot of different specialties. BJ Jones, Owner of Wildcat Cattle company. The company we bought one of our cows from is a Veterinarian. He specializes in Advanced Reproductive technology. Another type of Vet work you can specialize in is Companion Animal.

These practitioners are also called small animal veterinarians. Their day-to-day tasks can involve treating wounds, diagnosing illnesses, performing surgery, administering vaccines, and prescribing medications. You can also be a Food Safety and Inspection Service. They inspect and test livestock and animal products for major animal diseases.

Those are just a few of the many varieties of vet work. 

Another reason why I want to be a veterinarian is that I love animals. 

I have a lot of pets. We have about 100 chickens, 20 cows, 4 horses, and 1 puppy. Raising cattle has taught me a lot about being a veterinarian. Pets are non-judgmental and provide unconditional love, meaning, and joy to our lives. The relationship pet owners form with their animals can be emotional, psychological, and physical. Spending quality time and doing activities with your pets can strengthen your bond with them. The more you spend time with them the more they love you. 

All types of animals are friendly but dogs are one of the most friendly animals. Dogs are undoubtedly among the friendliest and most faithful animals in the world. Their innocent puppy faces could melt your heart. They are often referred to as a human’s best friend, and for good reason. They are good at understanding your emotions and sentiments. Dogs are also more likely to trust strangers than other animals. 

That is why I love animals, my third reason why I want to become a veterinarian is that it is a very cool job.

My third reason why I want to be a Vet is that it is a cool job. Veterinarians never stop learning new things. Continuing education hours are required to renew your license to practice medicine, and most vets want to learn new techniques and innovations even when there is no official requirement. You can also work independently or with people. While you may start out working for an established clinic, you have the option of starting your practice, perhaps even a mobile practice. You can become a partner in an established clinic if they are looking to expand or if other vets are planning to retire. Most vets have a degree of flexibility in their schedules, particularly as they become more established. One of the greatest benefits of a career in Veterinary Medicine is the chance to promote the health and welfare of your patients. You also can relieve the suffering of animals that have experienced traumatic injuries or chronic illnesses. There is also a lot of problems solving included in day-to-day work. Some detective work must be done to evaluate each case, and a key trait of a veterinarian is that they enjoy this challenge. The animal obviously can’t explain what is bothering them, so you’ll have to figure things out based on the physical exam, lab tests, and owner comments.

Those are my 3 reasons why being a Vet is such a cool job. 

Being a vet is fascinating and is a different job with many varieties.

That is why the main goal I have for the future is to become a Veterinarian. 

No two days are alike for a veterinarian. You will get to examine different types of animals, see a variety of injuries and conditions, and utilize many diagnostic tools to determine the best plans of action. You never know what will come through the clinic door on any given day.

Helping and living on a farm all my life has contributed to my passion for becoming a Vet. I looked at the caged animals in the shelter, the cast-offs of human society. I saw in their eyes love, hope, fear, dread, sadness, and betrayal. I was angry. “God”, I said, “why don’t you do something?” And God replied “I did. I created you.”     That is one of the main reasons why I want to become a Vet. I want to help all of the rejected pets that people have moved on from. I want to help the pets whose owners got rid of them for younger, cuter pets. I want to help the pets that no one loves anymore. I see all pets the same way! Cute and loveable. That is why the main goal I have for the future is to become a Veterinarian. 

Since I was a little girl, I have had a love for all animals which has driven me to want to become a Veterinarian knowing that I can continue to learn and grow as a Vet.

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