Sorrows | Teen Ink


April 29, 2009
By ...imhere... BRONZE, Mayfield Village, Ohio
...imhere... BRONZE, Mayfield Village, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Sorrow is the pain of what was. THe strongest man in the world could be crippled under it, the sharpest minds dulled. We dwell on the sorrows of the past to remember, but how can we move on if we remember what was without embracing what is of what could be? If one truly loved what was lost, they would chase it down, not dwelling on the saddness of what was. They chase what could be.

The author's comments:
I wrote this shortly after a friend moved to vegas. I miss her, but the loss brought to me some of my greatest inspiration. I ame a chaser of the lost. I havent given up my hope.

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