The Power of Chocolate | Teen Ink

The Power of Chocolate

April 28, 2009
By Emily Kranz BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Emily Kranz BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That’s right. I said it. I believe in the power of chocolate. For me, chocolate is not just a delicious treat that adds a few extra calories to my thighs. I also don’t believe in chocolate’s power because of my almost insatiable sweet tooth. No, chocolate runs much deeper into my soul. Chocolate can be that extra topping to any already sweet day, or chocolate can be the remedy to horrible one. Even though I try to eat as many pieces as I can, chocolate is my indulgence. By eating chocolate almost every other day, I believe my disposition, no matter what that may be, will brighten automatically.

Chocolate always makes the sun shine a little brighter in my life. I can perfectly recall the days when everything seems to be perfect. Everything just sails by smoothly. Sometimes on those days, I would come home and find some sort of chocolate calling my name. That little Hershey Kiss or piece of chocolate cake always put the cherry on top of that wonderful day. Now tell me, who doesn’t enjoy those kinds of days?

On the other end of the spectrum, chocolate is also my ultimate band-aid. After almost every break up I have ever been through, I have devoured chocolate. Something about that sweet, creamy heaven lets me know that everything will be okay. And I promise that every other woman on the planet can vouch for that belief. Even my plain, old bad days can be patched up with chocolate.

Now, chocolate is not just a bad day/good day remedy for me; chocolate is also an indulgence. Me, I’m a huge believer in indulging. I don’t believe in indulging twenty-four hours a day, but every once in a while, I like to give in. Of course, chocolate has got to be my most frequent luxury. By indulging, I give myself a treat after long, boring days. I also indulge just because I feel I deserve a piece of chocolate. And guess what? I love it. Pamper myself is the one thing I do not have to worry about. I don’t have to wonder how many calories are in one Dove square. I can just sit, relax, and enjoy a moment of silence. If not for chocolate indulgences, I would go insane, literally.

Let’s recap on my chocolate philosophy. Chocolate is the end to my perfect days. Chocolate is my security blanket when my days are horrendous. Chocolate is my perfect pleasure. Ultimately, chocolate is similar to Superman: it does almost anything. Because as the cliché goes, chocolate is good for the soul, especially mine.

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