No Ordinary School Day | Teen Ink

No Ordinary School Day

April 29, 2009
By Anshi Saxena BRONZE, Milpitas, California
Anshi Saxena BRONZE, Milpitas, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes were fighting to stay awake. They fluttered as I changed into my clothes, still exhausted from the fatigue of waking up. After stuffing the food into my mouth hastily, I ran to the car where my dad was waiting. Predicting that I would be late again, I groaned. These types of Mondays were typical. However, I had to admit that I was excited. I know that it is school, but Kindergarten is great! Lost in all my thoughts about being late and how I loved school, my dad had to say my name twice until I finally heard and hopped out of the car.

“Bye Papa,” I said happily as I slammed the door. That was too much.
From the drop-off to the main entrance, I skipped. From there, I started running. Not bothering to wave, I arrived at the classroom door. I thought I heard my dad’s car leave with a large wrroomm. It could not be any other car, there were none, I took that as evidence of my tardiness.
I knocked on the door. In my kindergarten, everyone just went straight to class. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Even after knocking hard and kicking it a few times as well, no one answered. That’s so weird, I thought. Standing on the tip of my toes, I peeked through the rectangular window.
What I saw surprised me and it sent a bunch of thoughts whizzing through my brain. Memories that hurt, worried, embarrassed, and scared me. They went from my brain and as they moved down, they planted a knot in my stomach. All my pores in my arms and legs pricked up. Ughh…goosebumps, I hate them, I thought.
Why is this all happening? How come it is happening to me? Today had to be the teacher’s meeting! Today had to be the day when they did not send the note. Last Friday, they just announced it without even calling my parents. Today was no school! I thought about all of this as I sprinted back to the drop-off. My dad was driving right.
“Papa!” I screamed on the top of my lungs and tried to run towards the car. The BMW was driving pretty fast to run.
He did not stop. I could have sworn that my heart stopped beating. My legs felt heavy and they would not move from the spot that they were rooted to.
He took a u-turn and came back. Yes! I screamed once more, but the car was even further away, the window was closed, and I knew that I would not make it in time. He left, leaving me alone in front of school.
I shouted again and waved my arms up and down. They were aching from the anxiety. My backpack suddenly felt heavier, the street looked deserted, something that I did not notice before. I was sweating. Warm tears started swelling up in my eyes. They crept down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them off. Crying was the worst thing that I should do.
Suddenly, a blue minivan appeared a couple lanes away. My legs felt like lead. Thankfully, the van stopped for the light. Should I go? This was my only chance. But, I was always taught not to talk to strangers. I had no choice. I ran to the minivan, sweating and trembling. I knocked on the door, too short for the window. The window pulled down to reveal a lady with glasses and fair skin. She was fairly pretty. But, after that, I did not pay any more attention to her. I want my mommy, I thought. As soon as she asked, “what happened?” I started sobbing.
“My dad….dropped me….school…there’s no school…teacher’s meeting…day-off today,” I managed to choke out. She told me that she would drop me off a Rose, her daughter’s school and I could call my mom from there. I just nodded and stepped into her van, almost tripping over the girl in the car seat’s legs. Keeping as quiet as I could so she would not hear, I started crying. However, I started sobbing and she soothed me, or tried to. She was still driving.
When we reached, which felt like forever; I walked with the lady to the office. They let me call my mom, who became excessively worried when she heard my sniffles and desperate voice. She said she would be there fast…I was certain that she stepped on it.
I waited and stared at the patterns on the floor as my mom drove to Rose. I was not that apprehensive as I was earlier. She finally came and 1 ton was lifted off my shoulders. Jumping into her arms and locking my hands behind her, I cried softly.
From then on, I did not get scared when I got lost. My bravery improved. I sigh each time I reminisce the imbroglio that I had as a kindergartener.

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