D is for Dog | Teen Ink

D is for Dog

April 22, 2009
By Molly Miller BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
Molly Miller BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

D is for dog. I absolutely adore dogs. I love pretty much any kind of dog except for a Chihuahua, Bulldog, or a Rotweiler. I used to have a dog named Bow. He was a Yellow Shepard Mix, which is a yellow lab mixed in with a German Shepard. But unfortunately, I only knew him when I was a little baby. He ran away and never came back.

Then when I was about two years old, I got a yellow lab named Cooper. I remember the idea to get another dog was in the Grand Rapids Press. We got Cooper from some Indian guy in Rockford. Cooper was the second to last puppy to be picked up and taken home. That was the day we were absolutely ready to care for another puppy.

Cooper is the best dog I have ever had. He’s still alive but is also really old. Cooper to me is another older brother. I know he will always protect me from all kinds of danger. He is also my best animal friend out of all the dogs I have met and had. Cooper is almost 13 years old.

My favorite kinds of dogs are Yellow Labs, Golden Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Huskies, German Shepards, Beagles, Black Labs, or any other breed of dog that is actually cute. When I’m older, I would love to have any one of these kinds of dogs. I don’t want a Chihuahua because they are mean, hard to train, and will probably bite anything it notices. I would absolutely join a foundation to stop animal cruelty, or a foundation that helps more dogs get adopted, or maybe even both foundations.

I love dogs because they are always playful when they are around you. Dogs always love to have fun, and if you like to go swimming, they will jump in with you (only if they are allowed). Dogs are always fun to be around unless they are barely even trained. I absolutely would want a dog in my apartment or house. I feel this way because if you have had a bad day, he will comfort you until you are feeling better.

I know that once I get a dog, I will think it’s adorable, and I will definitely know how to keep making the dog you have happy. The only problem would have to be training the dog to sit, shake, lie down, stay, come, or do any of those tricks. In my opinion, dogs are a joy to the world. If I saw my dog being beaten or neglected, I would take action right away by putting him in the Humane Society or Paws with a Cause. I’m going to be a good person, and help any dog in animal cruelty because animals, especially dogs, because they can be like family, like Cooper.

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number8 SILVER said...
on Feb. 16 2010 at 7:32 am
number8 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
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we see through your lies......