Moving the President | Teen Ink

Moving the President

October 25, 2018
By carlnoll BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
carlnoll BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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The biggest asset of transportation for the President is Air Force One. It is the most technologically advanced plane in the world. Air Force One is a Boeing 747 that is built to meet the needs of the President in flight. Air Force One is used for moving the President from place to place. Air Force One is accompanied by Marine One. Marine one is commonly mistaken as one helicopter, but it is actually a call sign for any marine aircraft with the President inside. The same mistake goes for Air Force One which has an identical copy. The two planes are used for confusion because if an attacker made it to Air Force One they would not know if it has the President inside or not.

After Air Force One lands you still have to get the President to where he needs to go. The motorcade solves that problem by having many Presidential cars accompanied by local police. The order that the motorcade runs is the “Route Car” which is the leader of the pack and leads all the cars the right way. Next, is the sweepers which clear any cars along the route for the rest of the motorcade. They are the ones who stop oncoming traffic or ramps into the motorcade. They can be made up of police cars, and police motorcycles. The next in the lineup are the two Presidential limousines. The Secret Service chooses which limousine the President goes inside. The nickname for the limousine is called “The Beast”. The Beast can withstand an attack with the President. Bags of the President's type blood is stored in the back in case of emergency. Next, is the “Halfback” which carries the Presidential Detail. The Presidential Detail is the President’s Secret Service which is with him at all times. The back window is always open with an armed Secret Service Agent ready for an attack. Next, is the “ECM” or electronic countermeasures vehicle. The code name for the vehicle is the “watchtower” and it Jams radio signals blocking remote destinations. Next, is the Support Vehicle and the Control Vehicle. The Support Vehicle carries important staff members to the President. These would be people in his cabinet. The Control Vehicle carries high ranking military members such as the generals of the branches. Next, in line is the Counter Assault Team also known as “CAT Team”. This team is a squad of armed Secret Service Operators ready to fend off an attack if necessary. The “CAT Team” has never been deployed in its history. Behind the “CAT Team” is the Intelligence Division Vehicle or the “ID Vehicle”. This vehicle serves as the intelligence communications center with a surveillance tower to make sure nothing gets in the way of the motorcade. Behind the “ID Vehicle” is the Hazardous Materials Mitigation Unit. The black truck and the team inside serve as protection from a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack. They also carry other classified supplies. Next, is the press vehicles which as it says in the name carries the press or media. The van is filled with major news outlets that follow the President wherever he goes. Next, is the “Roadrunner” made of an armored suburban with many antennas on the roof for communications. Next, is the ambulance which is there for if a biological attack happens or if a shooting occurs. They will be one of the first to treat the victims. The last vehicles in the motorcade are the Rear Guard made up of local police, motorist, and cars with the accommodations of unmarked cars as well. The Rear Guard is the last in the motorcade, but not the last set of eyes. The next is “Overwatch” which varies to where the President is, but is normally a United States Coast Guard Helicopter. The rarest vehicle of the motorcade is “Ground Force One” which is made of two armored buses. The last time these were used was when President Obama traveled across America for his 2012 campaign run.

There are special cases in which the vehicles change. For example, when the President traveled to the middle east all the cars were the exact same brand and model making it a 1 in 27 chance of hitting the President's car. This also can occur when the President travels to different countries. Every country has a special way of transporting world leaders. Our special way is what is stated in this document.

In the end, The United States of America is one of the most secure when it comes to protecting the President. The President has three ways of transportation at any given time. This also applies to when world leaders come to America, they get the same treatment as the President. To transport the President it costs $2,614 per minute to keep everything up and running. The average cost of a car per minute is around $10. That is an insane difference from an average Americans travel to the Presidents.

The author's comments:

This is about moving the president and how the transportation system works for the President 

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