Literary Non-Fiction | Teen Ink

Literary Non-Fiction

September 26, 2017
By mcintosh2 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
mcintosh2 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are over 323.1 million civilians in America. Out of those 323.1 million people, just about 30,000 of them live in in Baltimore and are homeless. A survey was published in 2014, stating 57 percent of them lost their life in the blink of an eye.


One man out of all the homeless stood out though, he explained how he woke up one morning, and proceeded to go through his morning routine. He then went to work where he was met by his boss who explained to him he was just let go. So as he went dismally back to his house, he thought how and why this happened.

When he arrived to his home tragically there was an eviction notice on his door. This isn’t just a story to touch your heart, it’s a man’s life and his name is mike Wallace .After his inconsolable situation he lived on the streets of Baltimore for more than two years.

Fortunately, a local church went out to the streets to feed the homeless, where they then met mike. They then perceived to hear his story, the church decided to sponsor mike and help him get back on his feet. They also wanted to do an open interview on Sunday morning where he shared his experiences, but yet during his interview he wasn’t selfish, instead he spoke on how there are thousands more like him. And how god has blessed him with what he has and for meeting everyone who helped facilitate him.

Finally, he concluded with the metaphor stating, “I’m just one small piece to a big puzzle.” Meaning he still wants to reach out to those who are still on the streets struggling. Mike might not have been the wealthiest or even the smartest in the world but he knew what being selfless was. Just keep in mind that you never know when your life will change, so be grateful for all blessings in life.

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