The Worst Natural Disaster | Teen Ink

The Worst Natural Disaster

November 7, 2014
By salvador2018 SILVER, Sacramento, California
salvador2018 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments




What is a natural disaster? A natural disaster is nature causing mass destruction. The worst is tsunamis which is a giant wall of water that forms from earthquakes under water. They move at speeds of up to 500mph and it’s like the aftermath of an atomic bomb, it’s like a giant flood, also its energy is about 23,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.


A Tsunami is a huge wall of water caused by earthquakes underwater. For example, a quote from akash kapur “the fisherman and villagers who live along the coast and whose homes and livelihoods were swept away, speak of a wall of a wall water. Another quote is “the wall came without warning, rising suddenly to 15 feet and along with cars and refrigerators and cattle.     


Tsunamis destruction is like the aftermath of an atomic bomb and has the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. For example the author states, in the letter from kalapet tsunami in India, by Thursday night more than 10,000 were dead in south India more than 100,000 across Asia making it one of the most devastating natural disasters in history. Another example is from Geoff Mackley is “I been through 30 hurricanes and 35 volcanic eruptions and it’s got nothing on this.”


         In the Indian Ocean they don’t have sensors like we do in the pacific to detect tsunamis. That’s why so many died in the 2004 India tsunami. For example the author Akash Kapur states that “by Thursday night more than 10,000 were dead in south India and well over 100,000 across Asia, making it one of the most devastating natural disasters in history.

In conclusion a tsunami is the worst natural disaster to experience. They are the worst to experience because the tsunami is the like the aftermath of an atomic bomb and they move at speeds of 500mph also a tsunami has the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. Here is a quote from Geoff mackley “{I have been through 30 hurricanes and 35 volcanic eruptions and its got nothing on this tsunami

The author's comments:

when you see a big giant wave coming towards you get out of there because its a tsunami.

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