2+2=5 | Teen Ink


November 11, 2011
By ardentauthor GOLD, Fayetteville, North Carolina
ardentauthor GOLD, Fayetteville, North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A masterpiece of fiction is an original world and as such is not likely to fit the world of the reader. "- Vladimir Nabokov

The learned logic we as a people have come to be so familiar with does not allow error or consistency, therefore we are under the assumption-or rather, the certainty-that this is absolute. However this could very well be false-or perhaps not false, as is not our case, but not absolute. Another correction; it is not absolute in all cases. However it is in ours, our case, our reality.

Our reality is certain, it is absolute-that is why we know and are aware of ourselves and of our existence (unless, of course, if cognitive reasoning fails-if we are tricking ourselves-but this is another case entirely.) This (our existence) is fulfilled by the anthropic principle. We think, therefore we are. This is why we can be certain of the existence of our reality.

Our reality exists. Multiple things exist. Therefore, multiple realities can and probably do exist. If there are multiple realities (albeit ones we are unaware of), then we can assume there are multiple universes. Who is to say that these are identical to our own? It would be quite a slim chance. So these universes are most likely governed by different sets of universal laws-the laws of physics-and therefore different logic. It is certainly possible. Perhaps only speculation, but it has merit.

For this paper’s sake, call our universe ?. Call the hypothetical second universe ?. In universe ?, common knowledge dictates that 1+1=2, 2+2=4, etc. But universe ? could certainly hold a different opinion 2+2 could certainly equal 5, 7, 10, anything, because the value of ‘2’ is likely to be different. After all, the odds that anything would be exact is close to none. Similar, yes, for a universe forms only one way (that we know of, at least), but it is irrational to assume that objects would hold the same value. ? and ? are occurring-differences are occurring-so why could differences not occur in numbers as well? They very well could, therefore it is not far-fetched to accept the possibility that 2+2=5.

(Of course, there is also 2.49+2.49=4.98, therefore when rounded 2+2=5. But that’s a different story.)

The author's comments:
One day my class discussed the finite quality of math. I think it is not at all that.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 22 2011 at 3:00 pm
AliceVanityHarragarra, Gallup, New Mexico
0 articles 0 photos 14 comments

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"Don't bother sleeping without one eye open wide.There's creatures in the night to haunt you..."
-Kellin Quinn

hahahahaha really 2+2=5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA wah but it was gud